Stonecare cuidado de la piedra

responsible for the processing of your personal data

Stonecare SL.
CIF: B92793876
Address:: C/Parra s/n 29631, Benalmádena Málaga.
Phone: 685143558
Web page:

This document provides you with information about how we collect and process your personal data through the use of our website At STONE CARE SL we are committed to protecting the privacy of all users who have provided us with their personal data and we inform you that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current personal data protection regulations, Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and the free circulation of these data.


On our website we may process certain types of personal data including name, surname, email, address and telephone, and sporadically, in the case of job applications, we receive academic and professional data. On our website we may process certain types of personal data including name, surname, email, address and telephone, and sporadically, in the case of job applications, we receive academic and professional data. The user declares that all the information provided by him is correct and true, and undertakes to keep them updated by communicating changes to STONE CARE SL. In the event that the user offers the data of a third party, he declares that he has the consent of the third party and undertakes to transmit the information provided. STONE CARE SL is exempt from any liability that may arise from this aspect.


All personal data processed at STONE CARE SL is provided by the interested parties themselves or their legal representatives, and we inform you that the personal data collected through the forms on the website They are included in the automated files specific to users of STONE CARE SL services. STONE CARE SL has adopted the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and their free movement. STONE CARE SL reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as those that may derive from existing standard codes on the matter, or by strategic corporate decisions, with effects of the date of publication of said modification on the website of STONE CARE SL. STONE CARE SL will not make international transfers of personal data without your express consent.


STONE CARE SL contemplates several ways to collect the data processed:

  • Form on our website, on our contact website or by traditional means of communication. Users can send their personal data through contact forms when requesting information about our products or services, which will be subject to automated processing. Likewise, users can provide their data by phone or e-mail.
  • Content subscription forms, to subscribe to newsletters, promotions or offers, or sign up for a MailChimp newsletter.
  • Social networks. STONE CARE SL has a profile on various social networks such as Google, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and may inform its followers by any means that the social network allows about its activities, offers, promotions,… and provide a personalized service. of customer service.
  • Web browsing (cookies). The website uses its own and third-party cookies. We offer specific information on our website.


The data and information are stored for the following purposes:

  • Contact details of potential clients, for the sending of newsletters and commercial communications of promotions and/or publicity of STONE CARE SL, as well as the periodic sending of self-made communications with links to the contents of our website.
  • Customer data, for compliance, development and control of the contractual relationship with customers and the services they demand.
  • Supplier data, for compliance and development of the contractual relationship with our suppliers and the services they provide us.
  • Personal data, for compliance and development of the contractual relationship with our employees, as well as compliance with current labor, Social Security, and Occupational Risk Prevention regulations that may apply.
  • Candidate data, to manage the participation of interested parties in the personnel selection processes carried out by the company.


Personal data will be kept as long as the commercial or contractual relationship is maintained, and once it has ended, during the limitation periods of responsibilities established by the legal provisions that result from application.


The legitimacy of the processing of personal data is:

  • The express consent of the client interested in receiving communications, newsletters or advertising, in the case of potential clients and clients.
  • The execution of the contract, in the case of customer data.
  • The execution of the contract or commercial relationship existing in the company, in the case of supplier data.
  • The execution of the labor contract between the company and its workers, in the case of personal data.
  • The consent given by candidates when providing us with their curriculum vitae, to participate in selection processes, in the case of candidate data.


The data will not be communicated to any third party outside STONE CARE SL, except legal obligation, although we have hired the following service providers as treatment managers, who have committed to comply with the regulations on data protection:

  • Web service and maintenance. PUT YOUR DATA.
  • Mass email service. The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a, con domicilio en EEUU (
  • GOOGLE ANALYTICS. Web analytics service. Google, Inc. 1600 Amphiteatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043 (
  • DOUBLECLICK BY GOOGLE. It uses cookies to increase the relevance of ads related to recent searches. Google, Inc. 1600 Amphiteatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043 (
  • RESALES ONLINE. real estate software service (


STONE CARE SL applies the following principles in the processing of personal data:

  • Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency.
  • Principle of data minimization.
  • Principle of limitation of the conservation period.
  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality.


This website, the services offered on it, and the contents it houses are protected by current legislation on intellectual property. The website, including but not limited to its programming, software, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, as well as the brands, trade names, designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of STONE CARE SL , or where appropriate has a license or express authorization from the authors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication is expressly prohibited.


STONE CARE SL will not send advertising or promotional communications by email or other equivalent means of communication that had not previously been requested or expressly authorized by the recipients. Any interested party may oppose the sending of commercial communications by any means and at any time, by email to


The interested party may at any time exercise the following rights, in relation to the processing of their personal data:
  • Right to request access to your personal data.
  • Right to request its rectification or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment.
  • Right to oppose the treatment.
  • Right to revoke the consent given.
  • Right to data portability.
These rights may be exercised by means of a communication addressed to the mail. The interested party has the right to effective judicial protection and to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, with address at calle Jorge Juan, nº 6, 28001 – Madrid and telephone 901100099.


STONE CARE SL has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee an adequate level of security, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, in order to avoid, as far as possible, its alteration, loss , treatment or unauthorized access. Likewise, STONE CARE SL has implemented mechanisms to:
  • Guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability and permanent resilience of treatment systems and services.
  • Restore availability and access to personal data quickly, in the event of a physical or technical incident.
  • Verify and verify, on a regular basis, the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures implemented to guarantee the security of data processing.
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